Postdoctoral Scholars: Alumni
Dr. Weilai Yu
Years in group: 2021 - 2024
Current: Faculty, University of Toronto
Ph.D. Institution and Major: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA; Chemistry
Advisor: Prof. Nathan S. Lewis
Research Interests: Polymer Electrolytes for Li Batteries
Hobbies: Photography, Traveling, Cooking
Dr. Jaeho Park
Years in group: 2021 - 2024
Current: Sensor HW Engineer, Apple, Cupertino
Ph.D. Institution and Major: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea; Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Inkyu Park
Research Interests: Biosensors and its manufacturing processes toward wearable and medical device applications
Hobbies: Traveling, Music, Cooking
Dr. Hyunchang Park
Years in group: 2022 - 2024
Current: Material Scientist at Meta
Ph.D. Institution and Major: Seoul National University, South Korea; Chemistry
Advisor: Prof. Dongwhan Lee
Research Interests: Design and synthesis of self-healing polymers, Supramolecular chemistry of polymeric materials, Stretchable electronics.
Hobbies: Bouldering, Traveling, Movies, Music, Tennis.
Dr. Chengyi Xu
Years in group: 2020 - 2024
Current: Faculty, University of Alabama at Burmingham
Ph. D. institution and Major: University of California, Irvine, CA; Materials Science and Engineering
Ph. D. Advisor: Prof. Alon A. Gorodetsky
Research Interests: Robotic skins, soft actuators and sensors, and bioinspired photonics
Hobbies: Hiking and astrophotography
Personal website: link
Dr. Susmita Sarkar
Years in group: 2023 - 2024
Current: Faculty, North Carolina State University
Ph.D. institute and major: Purdue University; Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D. advisor: Prof. Partha P. Mukherjee
Research Interests: Electrochemistry and interface science, Stretchable electronics/batteries, Wearable devices
Hobbies: Reading, traveling, cooking, puzzles, volunteering
Dr. Samuel E. Root
Years in group: 2021 - 2024
Current: Faculty, Case Western Reserve University
Ph. D. Institution and major: University of California, San Diego; Chemical Engineering
Ph. D. Adviser: Prof. Darren Lipomi
Research Interests: Polymers, molecular interfaces, computer simulations, soft robotics
Hobbies: Cooking, Biking, Surfing
Dr. Mason Wu
Years in group: 2021 - 2024
Current: Faculty, Merritt College
Ph.D. Institution and major: Massachusetts Institution of Technology, Cambridge, MA; Chemistry.
Advisor: Prof. Timothy M. Swager
Research Interests: Novel polymer chemistries; recyclable, stretchable, conductive, porous polymers
Hobbies: Traveling, reading, running, weightlifting
Google Scholar: Link
Dr. Byeongmoon Lee
Years in group: 2023 - 2024
Current: Faculty, DGIST, South Korea
Ph.D. Institution and Major: Seoul National University, South Korea; Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Yongtaek Hong
Research Interests: Additive manufacturing for soft functional materials, Energy harvesting on human skin, Sensors on human skin
Hobbies: Movies, Escape Rooms
Dr. Yangju Lin
Years in group: 2020 - 2024
Current: Faculty, University of Waterloo, Department of Chemistry
Ph. D. institution and Major: Duke University, Durham, NC; Chemistry
Ph. D. Advisor: Prof. Stephen L. Craig
Research Interests: Dynamic polymer for battery materials, self-healing/degradable electronics
Hobbies: Music, movie, travelling, running, and workout
Google Scholar: link
Group Website: link
Dr. Donglai Zhong
Years in group: 2019 - 2024
Current: Principal Engineer, TSMC, San Jose, CA, North America
Ph. D. institution: School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, China.
Advisors: Prof. Lian-Mao Peng and Prof. Zhiyong Zhang
Research Interests: Nano electronics, Flexible and stretchable electronics, medical devices.
Hobbies: Photography, Travelling, Sports
Dr. Yilei Wu
Years in group: 2017-2021 (Postdoc), Research Staff Scientist (2021- 2024)
Ph.D. Institution and Major: Northwestern University, IL; Chemistry
Advisors: Professor Michael Wasielewski and Professor Sir Fraser Stoddart
Research Interests: Design, synthesis and application of small molecules, oligomers and polymers for organic electronics.
Hobbies: photography, food, watching Netflix, traveling
Google Scholar
Dr. Yeongjun Lee
Years in group: 2021 - 2024
Current: Faculty, KAIST, Brain and Cognitive Science
Ph.D. Institution and major: Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), S. Korea; Materials Science and Engineering
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Tae-Woo Lee
Research Interests: Stretchable electronics, Organic neuromorphic electronics, Bioelectronics
Hobbies: Soccer, Running, Movies, Music
Google Scholar: link
Dr. Kyun Kyu (Richard) Kim
Years in group: 2021 - 2023
Current: Electrical Engineer, Apple, Cupertino
Ph. D. Institution and major: Seoul National University, S. Korea; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Ph. D. Advisor: Prof. Seung Hwan Ko
Research Interests: Skin electronics, machine intelligence, flexible/stretchable sensors and logic devices, Wearable VR devices
Hobbies: Movie, workout, music, cooking
Google Scholar: Link
Personal Website: Link
Dr. Vanessa Sanchez
Years in group: 2022 - 2023
Current: Meta Reality Labs Research Engineer
Ph. D. Institution and Major: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering
Advisors: Prof. Robert J. Wood
Research Interests: Robotic Textiles, 3D Knitting, Soft Robotics, Conductive and Responsive Polymers, Wearable Assistive Devices
Hobbies: Pottery, Fashion, Food, Travel, Dance
Google Scholar: Link
Personal Website: Link
Twitter: Link
Dr. Nathaniel J. Schuster
Years in group: 2020 - 2023
Current: Research Scientist in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Washington
Ph. D. Institution and Major: Columbia University, NY; Chemistry
Ph. D. Advisor: Prof. Colin Nuckolls
Research Interests: New molecular architectures for imparting deformability to semiconductors
Hobbies: History, art, music, video games
Dr. Yangju Lin
Years in group: 2020 - 2023
Current: Faculty, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Department of Chemistry
Ph. D. institution and Major: Duke University, Durham, NC; Chemistry
Ph. D. Advisor: Prof. Stephen L. Craig
Research Interests: Dynamic polymer for battery materials, self-healing/degradable electronics
Hobbies: Music, movie, travelling, running, and workout
Google Scholar: link
Dr. Jiancheng Lai
Years in group: 2019 - 2023
Current: Researcher at the Beijing Institute of Collaborative Innovation (BICI); Co-founder and CTO of Tachin Technology.
Ph.D. Institution and major: Nanjing University, China; Chemistry.
Adviser: Prof. Jing-Lin Zuo, Prof. Cheng-Hui Li and Prof. Xiao-Zeng You.
Research Interests: Self-healing and stretchable materials and electronics, Soft actuators, Haptic interfaces, Polymeric electrolytes for lithium battery.
Google Scholar: link
Dr. Will Ryan Henderson
Years in group: 2021 - 2023
Ph.D. Institution and Major: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Chemistry
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Ronald K. Castellano
Research Interests: Organic electronics, supramolecular chemistry for dynamic materials.
Hobbies: Skateboarding, mountain biking, music, soccer, surfing
Google Scholar: Link
Dr. Ahmed Elabd
Years in joining group: 2022 - 2023
Current: Development Battery Engineer, Chemours
Ph.D. institute and major: Chemistry Department, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. (Chemistry)
Ph. D. advisor: Prof. Ali Coskun
Research Interests: High energy density batteries, anode/cathode coatings and interfaces, solid polymer electrolytes, and stretchable batteries.
Hobbies: Soccer, hiking, swimming, and traveling.
Dr. Xiaozhou Ji
Years in group: 2021 - 2023
Current: Process engineer at Applied Materials
Ph.D. Institution and Major: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; Chemistry
Ph.D. Advisors: Prof. Lei Fang
Research Interests: Design and synthesis of new semiconducting polymers
Hobbies: reading, music, video games
Google Scholar: link
Dr. Jeromy Rech
Years in group: 2021 - 2023
Current: Faculty, UNC Asheville
Ph.D. Institution and major: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chemistry
Advisor: Prof. Wei You
Research Interests: Synthesis, Organic Electronics, Polymers, Electrochromic Devices, Solar Cells
Hobbies: Outreach, video games, golfing, fishing, driving, baseball
Google Scholar: link
Twitter: link
Dr. Jonathan Tyson
Years in group: 2021 - 2023
Current: Staff Scientist at Choate, Hall and Stewart in Boston, MA.
Ph.D. Institution and Major: University of California, Berkeley; Chemistry
Advisor: Prof. Alanna Schepartz
Research interests: genetically targeted chemical assembly, organic electronics, photocatalysis, small molecules, bioelectronics, brain-machine interfaces, biosensors
Hobbies: music, reading, hiking, video games
Dr. Bao-Nguyen Nguyen
Years in group: 2021 - 2023
Current: Research Scientist, at Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR, Singapore.
Ph.D. Institution and major: University of Cambridge, UK
Advisors: Prof. Jonathan Nitschke
Research Interests: Stretchable conductive polymers, semiconductors, metal-ligand coordination cages.
Hobbies: Reading, cooking, gardening, traveling
Google Scholar: Link
Dr. Hao-Wen Cheng
Years in group: 2021 - 2023
Current: Account Technologist at Applied Materials
Ph.D. Institution and Major: National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan; Materials Science and Engineering
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Kung-Hwa Wei
Research Interests: Conjugated polymers and small molecules for organic electronics and organic photovoltaics
Hobbies: Traveling, Photography
Google scholar: link
Dr. Song Zhang
Years in group: 2021 - 2023
Current: Polymer Scientist at E Ink
Ph.D. Institution and Major: University of Southern Mississippi, MS; Polymer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Xiaodan Gu
Research Interests: Morphological characterizations of solution printed organic semiconductors, Flexible and stretchable electronics.
Hobbies: hiking, travelling, food
Dr. Shaoyang Wang
Years in group: 2021 - 2023
Current: Senior battery scientist at eLyte Technology Inc.
Ph.D. institute and major: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; Chemical Engineering
Ph.D. advisor: Prof. Jodie Lutkenhaus
Research Interests: synthesis and characterization of lithium battery materials, flexible and stretchable electronics
Hobbies: reading, traveling, food
Dr. Yuanwen Jiang
Years in group: 2018 - 2022
Current: Faculty, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Ph.D. Institution and Major: The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Physical Chemistry
Advisor: Prof. Bozhi Tian
Research Interests: Flexible and stretchable electronics, bio-interfaces
Hobbies: Sports, traveling
Google scholar
Dr. Yusheng Lei
Years in group: 2020 - 2022
Current: Faculty, Fudan University, institute of optoelectronic, China.
Ph.D. institution and Major: University of California, San Diego, CA; Chemical Engineering
Ph.D. advisor: Prof. Sheng Xu
Research Interests: Plastic electronics for robotic and biological
Hobbies: Music and hiking
Google Scholar: link
Dr. Razieh Khalifehzadeh
Years in group: 2019 - 2022
Currently: Faculty, ASU
Ph.D. institution and Major: University of Washington, Seattle, WA; Chemical Engineering, Nanotechnology and Molecular Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Buddy Ratner
Research Interests: Wearable and implantable sensors for biomedical applications.
Hobbies: Hiking, Gardening, Camping
Dr. Alex Abramson
Years in group: 2019 - 2022
Currently: Faculty, Georgia Tech. Link
Ph.D. Institution and Major: MIT, Cambridge, MA; Chemical Engineering
Advisors: Prof. Robert Langer and Prof. Giovanni Traverso
Research Interests: Ingestible and implantable biomedical devices
Hobbies: Biking, Baking, Playing Foosball
Google Scholar: Link
Dr. Hongping Yan
Years in group: 2014 - 2022
Currently: Staff Engineer, Apple
Title: FlexTR Program Assistant Director (Flexible electronics translational research program operation, project management)
Ph.D. Institution and major: North Carolina State University, Physics
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Harald W. Ade
Research interest: Flexible electronics, organic electronics, sensing devices, (synchrotron) x-ray spectroscopy, imaging, reflectivity, scattering, to reveal relationships between materials, processing, morphology, and performance
Hobbies: Hiking, biking, outdoors, tech, 3D design and modeling
Dr. Zhitao Zhang
Years in group: 2017 - 2022
Currently: Faculty, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Chemistry and Chemical engineering, China.
Ph.D. Institution and Major: Fudan University, China; Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
Advisor: Prof. Huisheng Peng
Research Interests: flexible organic light-emitting devices, polymer solar cells and organic thin film transistors
Hobbies: playing basketball, hiking and travelling
Google Scholar
Dr. Chenxin Xu
Years in group: 2018 - 2021
Title: Electrical Staff Engineer (With Prof Boris Murmann)
Currently: Staff Engineer, Intel
Ph.D. Institution & Major: Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Ming Liu
Research Interests: Stretchable devices and circuits, Wearable electronics
Hobbies: Reading, Hiking, Cooking, Yoga
Dr. Aristide Gumyusenge
Years in group: 2020 - 2021
Currently: Faculty, MIT. Link
Co-Advisor: Prof. Alberto Salleo (MSE)
Ph.D Institution and Major: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; Chemistry
Ph.D Advisor: Prof. Jianguo Mei
Research interests: organic-based artificial synapses for neuromorphic computing
Hobbies: Basketball, soccer, beach volleyball
Dr. Yasser Khan
Years in group: 2019 - 2021
Currently: Faculty, USC. Link
Ph.D. institution and Major: University of California, Berkeley, CA; Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Advisor: Prof. Ana Claudia Arias
Research Interests: Wearable and implantable sensors and systems
Hobbies: Travelling, Cricket
Google Scholar: link
Dr. Yuqing Zheng
Years in group: 2017-2021
Currently: Faculty, Peking University. Link.
Ph.D. Institution and Major: Peking University, China; Chemistry
Advisor: Prof. Jian Pei
Research Interests: flexible sensors, organic semiconductors/CNT-based thin film transistors
Hobbies: singing and fitness
Dr. Min-gu Kim
Years in group: 2019-2021
Currently: Faculty, Inha University, S. Korea; Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering. Link.
Ph.D. institution and Major: Georgia Institute of Technology, GA; Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Oliver Brand
Research Interests: Soft electronic materials, device fabrication and characterization, and integrated system for physical, chemical, and biological applications
Hobbies: Travelling, Gardening
Dr. Joanna Nassar
Years in group: 2019-2021
Currently: NAND Process Integration Engineer, Micron Technology. Link.
Advisor: Prof. Barbara Block (Hopkins Marine Station); Co-advisor: Prof. Zhenan Bao
Previous Postdoc (2018-2019): California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. Medical Engineering, Wei Gao Lab.
Ph.D. institution and Major: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia; Electrical Engineering, Integrated Nanotechnology Laboratory (mmh labs)
Advisor: Prof. Muhammad Mustafa Hussain
Research Interests: Developing flexible and stretchable Internet of Things (IoT) wearables using a CMOS compatible, affordable and scalable manufacturing approach.
Currently working on “Skin-like wearable tags for harsh environment marine applications”.
Hobbies: Drawing, painting, music
Dr. Jayoung Kim
Years in group: 2018-2021
Currently: Faculty, Yonsei University, S. Korea; Dept of Medical Engineering. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: UC San Diego, CA; Material Science and Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Joseph Wang
Research Interests: Wearable biosensors for healthcare applications.
Hobbies: traveling, aerial yoga, coffee tasting
Dr. Xiwen Gong
Years in group: 2018-2020
Currently: Faculty, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Dept of Chemical Engineering. Link.
Ph.D. institution and Major: University of Toronto, Canada; Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Ted Sargent
Research Interests: Flexible and stretchable electronics
Hobbies: Tennis, swimming, jogging
Dr. Jinxing Li
Years group: 2017-2020
Currently: Faculty, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; Dept of Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Institute for Quantitative Health Science and Engineering. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: UC San Diego, CA; NanoEngineering
Adviser: Prof. Joseph Wang
Research Interests: Soft materials for robotics and integrated biosensors.
Hobbies: Surfing, soccer.
Dr. Helen Tran
Years in group: 2016-2020
Currently: Faculty, U. of Toronto, Canada, Dept of Chemistry. Link.
PhD Institution and Major: Columbia University, NY; Chemistry
PhD Advisor: Prof. Luis M. Campos
Research Interests: Degradable conductors and piezoelectrics
Hobbies: rock climbing, projection art, learning about other cultures (especially through their food)
Dr. Snehashis Choudhury
Years in group: 2018-2020
Currently: Staff Engineer, Tesla. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major: Cornell University, Ithaca; Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Lynden A. Archer
Research Interests: Stretchable and flexible materials, Self-healable polymer coatings
Hobbies: hiking, fitness, cooking, meditation, dancing
Dr. Hung-Chin Wu
Years in group: 2016-2020
Currently: Staff Engineer, Carbon. Link.
PhD institution and major: National Taiwan University; Chemical Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Wen-Chang Chen
Research interests: Stretchable semiconducting polymers for electronic device applications
Hobbies: Basketball, Baseball, traveling
Dr. Simiao Niu
Years group: 2016-2020
Currently: Faculty, Rutgers. Link.
PhD institution and major: Georgia Institute of Technology, GA; Materials Science & Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Zhong Lin Wang
Research interests: Stretchable electronics and systems
Hobbies: Singing, traveling, sports
Dr. Naoji Matsuhisa
Years in group: 2017-2020
Currently: Faculty, University of Tokyo, Japan; Dept of Electrical Engineering. Link.
Ph.D. institution and major: The University of Tokyo, Electrical
Engineering and Information Systems
Ph.D. adviser: Prof. Takao Someya
Research interests: Stretchable electronics, Printed electronics,
Organic semiconductor devices
Hobbies: Basketball, Beer
Dr. Chibueze V Amanchukwu
Years in group: 2017-2019
Currently: Faculty, University of Chicago, Dept of Molecular Engineering. Link.
PhD Institution, Major and Year: MIT, MA; Chemical Engineering
Advisor: Paula T. Hammond
Research Interests: Batteries, Supramolecular polymers
Hobbies: Playing basketball/soccer, writing fiction, reading
Dr. Jaemin Kim
Years in group: 2017 - 2018
Currently: Staff Engineer, NASA Ames Research Center, CA. Link. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Seoul National University, South Korea; Chemical & Biological Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Dae-Hyeong Kim
Research Interests: Deformable and bio-integrated sensors/actuators/display, Device integration
Hobbies: Squash, playing piano/guitar
Dr. Jiheong (James) Kang
Years in group: 2017-2019
Currently: Faculty, KAIST, S. Korea, Dept of Material Science. Link.
Ph.D. Institution & Major: The University of Tokyo, Japan; Chemistry and Biotechnology
Advisor: Prof. Takuzo Aida
Undergraduate Institution & Major: Seoul National University, Chemistry
Research Interests: Design of tough self-healing material, Stretchable electronics
Dr. Amir Foudeh
Year entered group: 2016-2019
Currently: Staff Engineer, Neuralink. Link.
PhD institution and major: McGill University, Canada; Biomedical Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Maryam Tabrizian
Research Interests: Biosensors, Wearable & implantable sensors, Microfluidics and Microsystems
Hobbies: Photography, Hiking, Biking, Basketball, Travelling
Dr. Jihye Park
Year entered group: 2016-2019
Currently: Faculty, University of Colorado, Boulder, Chemistry. Link.
PhD Institution and Major: Texas A&M University, TX; Chemistry
PhD Advisor: Prof. Hong-Cai Zhou
Research Interests: Design and synthesis of conductive porous materials for electrocatalysis
Hobbies: skiing, tennis, tasting coffee, travelling
Dr. Tannaz Ebrahimi
Years in group: 2018-2019
Currently: Lead Scientist, Powertech, BC, Canada. Link.
Ph.D institution: The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; Chemical Engineering and Organometallic/Polymer Chemistry
Advisors: Prof. Hatzikiriakos and Prof. Mehrkhodavandi
Research Interests: Stretchable and Degradable Electronics
Hobbies: Cooking,Traveling, Sport
Dr. Levent Beker
Years in group: 2017-2019
Currently: Faculty, Koc University, Turkey. Link.
PhD Institution and Major: UC Berkeley, CA; Mechanical Engineering
PhD Advisors: Prof. Liwei Lin & Prof. Al Pisano
Research Interests: Wearable & implantable sensors
Hobbies: traveling, hiking, basketball
Dr. Ulrike (Uli) Kraft
Years in group: 2015-2018
Currently: Independent Research Group, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany. Link
PhD institution and major: Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart/ Technical University Freiberg, Germany; Chemistry
Adviser: Dr. Hagen Klauk/ Prof. Edwin Weber
Research interests: Flexible and stretchable electronics, organic conductors and semiconductors, organic transistors and sensors
Hobbies: Swing dance, hiking, traveling, sailing on Tall ships
Dr. Min Ah Lee
Years in group: 2015-2018
Currently: Senior Research Scientist, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, S. Korea. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: KAIST, S. Korea; Materials Science & Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Chan Beum Park
Research Interests: Design of Soft Materials for Advanced Energy Storage
Dr. Jia Liu
Years in group: 2015-2018
Currently: Faculty, Harvard University, Dept of BioEngineering, MA. link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Harvard University, MA; Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Adviser: Prof. Charles M. Lieber
Research Interests: Flexible and stretchable electronics and Bioelectronics
Hobbies: Ski, Golf and Texas Holdem
Dr. Ioulia Tzouvadaki
Year in group: 2018
PhD institution and major: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland; Nano-Bio-Electronics
Adviser: Prof. Giovanni de Micheli, Dr. MER. Sandro Carrara
Research Interests: Micro/nano-electronics, Wearable health sensors, Bio-sensing systems, Memristors, Microfluidics, Si/Carbon nanostructures
Hobbies: Swimming, Painting, Travelling
Dr. Maria Lukatskaya
Years in group: 2016-2018
Currently: Faculty, Dept of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Link.
PhD institution and major: Drexel University, PA; Materials Science and Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Yury Gogotsi
Research interests: New nanomaterials and electrochemical system design for energy storage applications
Hobbies: Photography, Squash, Volleyball
Dr. Sihong (Steven) Wang
Years in group: 2015-2018
Currently: Faculty, University of Chicago, Institute of Mol. Engineering, IL. link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Georgia Institute of Technology, GA; Materials Science and Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Zhong Lin (Z.L.) Wang
Research Interests: Stretchable materials for stretchable electronics; electronic skins
Dr. Dawei Feng
Years in group: 2015-2018
Currently: Faculty, Mat Sci & Eng, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Texas A&M University; Chemistry
Adviser: Prof. Hong-Cai Zhou
Research Interests: Design and synthesis of self-healing polymers
Dr. Xuzhou Yan
Years in group: : 2016-2018
Currently: Faculty, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dept of Chemistry, China. Link.
PhD institution and major: Zhejiang University, China; Supramolecular Chemistry
Adviser: Prof. Feihe Huang
Research interests: Stretchable polymeric materials; Mechanically interlocked polymers; Electronic skins
Dr. Jie Xu
Years in group: 2014-2018
Currently: Staff Scientist, Argonne Natl Lab, IL. link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Nanjing University, China; Polymer chemistry and Physics
Adviser: Prof. Gi Xue
Research Interests: Investigate the physical properties of stretchable semiconductor polymer films
Dr. Jukuan Zheng
Years in group: 2017-2018
Currently: Staff Engineer, Micron Tech, ID. link.
PhD Institution and Major: The University of Akron, OH; Polymer Science
PhD Advisor: Prof. Matthew L. Becker
Research Interests: Wearable & implantable sensor
Dr. Mark Nikolka
Years in group: 2017-2018
Currently: Postdoc, University of Cambridge, UK.
PhD Institution: University of Cambridge, UK
PhD Advisor: Prof. Henning Sirringhaus
Research Interests: Sensors, field-effect transistors and charge transport in conjugated polymers
Hobbies: Skiing, badminton, squash, running, hiking, traveling
Dr. Ting Lei
Years in group: 2013-2018
Currently: Faculty, Peking University, Dept of Mat. Science and Engineering, China. Link
Ph.D. Institution, Major and Year: Peking University, China; Chemistry, 2013
Advisor: Prof. Jian Pei
Research Interests: Carbon nanotube sorting by conjugated polymers. Thin film transistors based on CNT and organic semiconductors.
Dr. Jin Young Oh
Years in group: 2015-2018
Currently: Faculty, Kyung Hee University, S. Korea. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Yonsei University, S.Korea; Materials Science & Engineering.
Advisers: Prof. Unyong Jeong & Prof. Hong Koo Baik
Research Interests: Stretchable Electronic Materials & Devices
Dr. Francisco Molina Lopez
Years in group: 2014-2018
Currently: Faculty, Department of Materials Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium: link
Ph.D institution and Major: EPFL, Switzerland; Physics & Electrical Engineering
Advisers: Prof. Nico de Rooij & Dr. Danick Briand
Research Interests: Printed organic electronic circuits
Dr. Andrea Gasperini
Years in group: 2016-2017
Currently: Scientist, TNO, Brightlands Materials Center, Geleen, The Netherlands. Link.
PhD Institution and Major: EPFL Switzerland; Chemical Engineering
PhD Advisor: Prof. Kevin Sivula
Research Interests: Design and synthesis of semiconducting polymers and small molecules for applications in optoelectronics
Hobbies: Soccer, swimming, surfing and cooking
Dr. John To
Years in group: 2016-2017
Currently: Staff Engineer, NeuraLink, CA. Link.
PhD institution and major: Stanford University, CA; Chemical Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Zhenan Bao, Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of California, Berkeley, CA
Current Dept: Chemical Engineering
Current Project: Mesoporous carbon for CO2 capture
Dr. Yue (Jessica) Wang
Years in group: 2015-2017
Currently: Faculty, University of California, Merced, CA. Link.
Ph.D. institute and major: UCLA, CA; Inorganic Chemistry
Adviser: Prof. Richard Kaner
Research Interests: Synthesis and application of stretchable conjugated polymers
Dr. Orestis Vardoulis
Years in group: 2015-2017
Currently: Stanford BioDesign Innovation Fellow. Link.
PhD institution and major: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Adviser: Prof. Nikolaos Stergiopulos
Research Interests: Wearable & implantable health sensors, Non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring, Pulse wave analysis, Image-based computational fluid dynamics
Hobbies: Snowboarding, Basketball, Swimming, Arduino hacks, Cooking
Dr. Clementine Boutry
Years in group: 2014-2017
Currently: Marie-Curie Fellow at EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland.
Ph.D institution and Major: ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Microtechnologies
Adviser: Prof. Christofer Hierold
Research Interests: Development of biodegradable pressure sensors for cardiovascular monitoring and conducting scaffolds for treating peripheral nerve lesions
Dr. Jeremy Feldblyum
Years in group: 2014-2017
Currently: Faculty, University at Albany, SUNY, NY. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Adam Matzger
Research Interests: 2-D polymer thin-film transistors
Hobbies: Piano (classical and jazz), literature, table tennis
Dr. Donghee Son
Years in group: 2015-2017
Currently: Faculty, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, S. Korea. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Seoul National University, S.Korea; Chemical & Biological Engineering.
Advisers: Prof. Dae-Hyeong Kim
Research Interests: Stretchable Electronic Materials & Devices
Dr. Yingli Rao
Years in group: 2014-2016
Currently: Staff Engineer, Applied Materials. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Queen's University, Kingston, Canada; Department of Chemistry
Adviser: Prof. Suning Wang
Research Interests: Design and synthesis of stretchable, self-healing polymers for flexible electronics
Hobbies: hiking, arts, food
Dr. Lihua Jin
Years in group: 2014-2016
Currently: Faculty, UCLA, Dept of Mechanical Engineering. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Harvard University, MA; Engineering Sciences
Adviser: Prof. Zhigang Suo
Research Interests: Mechanics of soft materials
Hobbies: music, running
Dr. Franziska Lissel
Years in group: 2014-2016
Currently: Professor, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute for Polymer Physics
Previous: Faculty, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research, Germany. Link.
Ph.D institution: University of Zurich, Switzerland; Department of Chemistry
Adviser: Prof. Dr. Heinz Berke
Research Interests: Materials for sustainable electronics
Hobbies: Gardening, literature, ethics
Dr. Tadanori Kurosawa
Years in group: 2013-2016
Currently: UX/LX designer, atama plus inc., Link.
Ph.D. Institute & Major: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials
Advisor: Prof. Mitsuru Ueda
Research Interest: Design and synthesis of polymer semiconductor
Dr. Xiaodan Gu
Years in group: 2014-2016
Currently: Faculty, Dept of Polymer Science, University of Southern Mississippi. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: University of Massachusetts at Amherst, MA; Polymer Science and Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Thomas P. Russell
Research Interests: Morphology investigation of solution processed organic semiconductors by real time X-ray characterizations
Dr. Zheng Chen
Years in group: 2013-2016
Currently: Faculty, UC-San Diego. Dept. of NanoEngineering. Link.
PhD Institution, Major and Year: UCLA, CA; Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Yunfeng Lu
Research Interests: High-Performance Energy Storage Devices with Novel Structures and Functions.
Dr. Simon Rondeau-Gagné
Years in group: 2014-2016
Currently: Faculty, University of Windsor, Dept of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Canada. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Université Laval, Québec, Canada; Chemistry
Adviser: Prof. Jean-François Morin
Research Interests: Synthesis of new semiconducting polymers and control of the electronic properties via hydrogen bonding and other supramolecular interactions
Hobbies: Music, hockey, statistical analysis in sports, food
Dr. Sean Andrews
Years in group: 2013-2016
Currently: Staff Scientist, Qualcomm. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: UC-Berkeley; CA; Chemistry
Adviser: Prof. Peidong Yang
Research Interests: Understanding and Controlling the Unique Interactions between Organic/Inorganic Materials for Application in Energy Conversion Devices
Hobbies: Baseball, Football, and Statistical Analysis in Sports
Dr. Bob Schroeder
Years in group: 2014-2016
Currently: Faculty, Dept of Chemistry, University College, London, UK. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Imperial College, London, UK; Chemistry
Adviser: Prof. Iain McCulloch
Research Interests: Synthesis and characterization of self-healing semiconducting polymers
Dr. Desheng Kong
Years in group: 2014-2016
Currently: Faculty, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University, China. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Stanford University, CA; Materials Science and Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Yi Cui
Research Interests: Functional organic and polymer materials for electronics
Dr. Igor Pochorovski
Years in group: 2014-2016
Currently: Scientist, Covestro, Germany. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Chemistry
Adviser: Prof. François Diederich
Research Interests: Application of supramolecular chemistry to organic electronics
Dr. Yu-Cheng Chiu
Years in group: 2014-2016
Currently: Faculty, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: National Taiwan University; Chemical Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Wen-Chang Chen
Research Interests: stretchable and shearing-printed OFET
Hobbies: Basketball, Baseball
Dr. Ho-Hsiu Chou
Years in Group: 2013-2016
Currently: Faculty, Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Link.
Ph.D. Institution: Center for Photonics Research and Department of Chemistry, Taiwan
Advisor: Prof. Chien-Hong Cheng
Research Interests: Advanced Functional Organic and Polymer Materials for Optoelectronics
Hobbies: Tennis, Traveling, Photography
Dr. Won-Gyu Bae
Years in Group: 2014-2016
Currently: Faculty, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Soongsil University, S. Korea. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Seoul National University; S. Korea: Mechanical Engineering & Bioengineering
Advisers: Prof. Kahp-Yang Suh, Prof. Noo Li Jeon
Research Interests: Skin patch, Skin electronics, Biomimetics
Hobbies: Picture, Running
Dr. Nan Liu
Years in Group: 2011-2016
Currently: Faculty, Beijing Normal University. Link.
Ph. D. Institution & Major: Peking University, China; Physical chemistry
Advisor: Professor Zhongfan Liu
Undergraduate Information: Jilin University, China; Materials chemistry
Research Interests: Chemical doping of graphene toward its application in solar cell
Dr. Ghada I. Koleilat
Years in Group: 2013-2015
Currently: Faculty, Dalhousie University, Canada; Dept. of Electrical and Conmputer Engineering. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major and Year: University of Toronto, Electrical Engineering, 2012
Advisor: Professor Edward H. Sargent
Research Interests: Designing architectures for electronic and photovoltaic applications employing carbon based materials and new organic polymers.
Dr. Yan Zhou
Years in Group: 2012-2015
Currently: Founder and CEO, Furcifer Inc. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Peking University (China), Chemistry
Adviser: Prof. Jian Pei
Research Interests: Designing and synthesizing new backbones for organic semiconductor; Devices fabrication and testing for solar cells and transistors.
Hobbies: Classical Music and food.
Dr. Chao Wang
Years in group: 2011-2015
Currently: Founder, Furcifer Inc. Link.
Ph.D. Institution & Major: Tsinghua University, China; Chemistry
Advisor: Professor Xi Zhang
Research Interests: Easy processing of graphene for organic devices, stretchable organic devices
Hobbies etc: sport, electronic products.
Dr. Chih-Jen Shih
Years in group: 2014-2015
Currently: Faculty, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zürich), Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: MIT, MA; Chemical Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Daniel Blankschtein & Prof. Michael Strano
Undergraduate Institution and Major: National Taiwan University, Chemical Engineering
Research Interests: Chemistry and Electronics of Carbon Nanomaterials
Dr. Ying Diao
Years in group: 2011-2014
Currently: Faculty, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Link
Ph.D. Institution & Major: MIT, Chemical Engineering
Advisors: Professors Bernhardt Trout, T. Alan Hatton, Allan Myerson
Undergraduate Institution: Tsinghua University, China
Research Interests: Nucleation and crystal growth of organic semiconductors; in-situ X-ray scattering; self-assembly at interfaces
Hobbies: classical music, martial arts, traveling
Dr. Jianguo Mei
Years in Group: 2010-2011, 2012-2014.
Currently: Faculty, Purdue University, IN. Dept of Chemistry. Link.
Dr. Mei spent a year working in Dupont (China) from 2011-2012.
Ph.D. Institution, Major and Year: University of Florida, Organic and Polymer Chemistry, 2010
Advisor: Professor John R. Reynolds
Research Interests: Designing and tailoring organic materials to meet the needs for organic electronics (solar cells, field-effect transistors and bio-sensors) from all aspects
Dr. Wen-Ya Lee
Years in Group: 2012-2014.
Currently: Faculty, Dept of Chemical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan. Link.
Ph.D. Institution & Major: National Taiwan University, Chemical Engineering (2009)
Advisor: Prof. Wen-Chang Chen
Research Interests: Donor-acceptor conjugated organic materials for field-effect transistor, photovoltaic device and memory.
Hobbies: Baseball, jogging, photography and traveling.
Dr. Melanie Chiu
Years in Group: 2012-2014
Currently: Faculty, University at Stony Brook, SUNY, NY. Dept of Chemistry. Link.
Ph.D. Institution & Major: University of California, Berkeley; Chemistry
Advisors: Professors Robert G. Bergman and F. Dean Toste
Undergraduate Institution & Major: Dartmouth College; Chemistry
Research interests: n-type organic semiconductors
Dr. Alexander Ayzner
Years in Group: 2011-2014
Currently: Faculty, UC-Santa Cruz, CA. Dept of Chemistry. Link.
Ph.D. Institution & Major: UCLA; physical chemistry
Advisor: Professor Benjamin Schwartz
Undergraduate Institution: USF
Research Interests: exciton and polaron migration in organic semiconductors and relation to molecular packing
Other Info: Co-advise by Dr. Michael Toney, SLAC
Hobbies etc: biking, animals, basketball, politics
Dr. Julia Reinspach
Years in group: 2012-2014
Currently: HGST, Western Digital
Ph.D. Institution & Major: Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Physics (2011)
Advisor: Prof. Hans Hertz
Research Interests: Solution processing of organic semiconductors, x-ray characterization of organic thin films
Dr. Kwan-pyo Kim
Years in group: 2012-2014
Currently: Faculty, Dept of Physics, Yonsei University, S. Korea. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major and Year: UC Berkeley, Physics, 2012
Advisor: Professor Alex Zettl
Research Interests: Graphene/organic semiconductor interface and organic electronics
Dr. Myung Gil Kim
Years in group: 2013-2014
Currently: Faculty, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, S. Korea. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major and Year: Northwestern University, Chemistry, 2012
Advisors: Professors Tobin J. Marks and Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
Research Interests: Developing new strechable electronic material and its application.
Dr. Stephanie Benight
Years in group: 2012-2014
Currently: Founder, President and Principal Scientist at Tactile Materials Solutions. Link.
Ph.D. Institution & Major: University of Washington, Chemistry, 2011
Advisor: Prof. Larry R. Dalton
Undergraduate Institution & Major: Stanford University, Chemistry
Research Interests: Mechanically compliant semiconducting polymers for field-effect transistors
Hobbies: Working out, hiking
Dr. Guillaume Schweicher
Years in group: 2013-2014
Currently: Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow
Optoelectronics Group, Cavendish Laboratory University of Cambridge, Prof. Henning Sirringhaus
Ph.D. Institution, Major and Year: Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Chemical Engineering, 2012
Advisor: Prof. Yves Geerts
Research Interests: Organic single crystal field-effect transistors
Dr. Changhyun Pang
Years in group: 2013-2014
Currently: Faculty, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), S. Korea. Link.
Ph.D institution and Major: Seoul National University (S. Korea), Mechanical Engineering
Adviser: Prof. Kahp-Yang Suh
Research Interests: Nano-Architecturing, Electrical Nano-Mechanics, Flexible sensors
Hobbies: Painting, Basketball, Soccer, Tennis.
Dr. Oren Knopfmacher
Years in group: 2011-2014
Currently: Founder, Avails Medical, Inc. Link.
Ph.D. Institution & Major: University of Basel, Switzerland; Department of Physics, Experimental Physics (2011)
Advisor: Prof. Christian Schönenberger
PhD thesis: Sensing with Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors
Research Interests: Development of next generation point-of-care (bio-) chemical (nano-)sensors and applications build on organic (and non-organic) semiconductors.
Hobbies: Sport: Judo (2. Dan, former high-performance sportsman) and currently national-licensed Judo referee, music
Dr. Brian Worfolk
Year in Group: 2013
Currently: Staff Scientist, Philips 66
PhD Institution, Major and Year: University of Alberta, Chemistry, 2013
Advisor: Prof. Jillian Buriak
Research Interests: Flexible Electronics and In-situ Printing of Highly Efficient Organic Solar Cells
Dr Lei (Leo) Fang
Years in Group: 2011-2013
Currently: Faculty, Dept of Chemistry, University of Texas A&M. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major: Northwestern University, Chemistry
Advisor: Professor Sir Fraser Stoddart
Undergraduate Information: Wuhan University, China
Research Interests: Electrical properties of single organic semiconducting molecules or macromolecules. Investigation of organic small molecules and polymers for molecular electronics.
Dr Gregor Schwartz
Years in Group: 2011-2013
Currently: Project Leader, Heliatek, GmbH, Germany. Link.
Ph.D. Institution & Major: Universitaet Dresden (Germany), Physics 2008
Advisor: Professor Karl Leo
Undergraduate Institution: Universitaet Karlsruhe (Germany)
Research Interests: Physics of organic electronic devices
Other Info: Joined Heliatek, Dresden, 2008 - 2010
Dr Anthony Lucas Appleton
Years in Group: 2011-2013
Currently: Faculty, Stetson University, Deland, FL. Link.
Ph.D. Institution & Major: Georgia Institute of Technology, Chemistry (2010)
Advisor: Professor Uwe H.F. Bunz
Committee: Profs Jean-Luc Bredas, Bernard Kippelen, Seth Marder, Laren Tolbert
Undergraduate Institution & Major: University of Miami (FL), Marine Sciences and Chemistry (2006)
Research Interests: Design and synthesis of small molecules for air-stable electron transport, organic electronics in general, and organic photovoltaic device architecture and engineering.
Hobbies: Cooking (chemistry with immediate benefits), NCAA Football (It’s great to be a Miami Hurricane), traveling, and spending time with family & friends.
Dr Do Hwan Kim
Years in Group: 2011-2012
Currently: Faculty, Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, S. Korea. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major: Pohang University of Science and Technology, POSTECH (Korea), Chemical Engineering
Advisor: Professor Kilwon Cho
Undergraduate Institution: Hanyang University (Korea)
Research Interests: Design and application of single-crystalline, nano- or micro-structured building blocks to high-performance organic photovoltaics via self-assembly of pi-conjugated molecules
Dr Darren Lipomi
Years in Group: 2010-2012
Currently: Faculty, Dept of NanoEngineering, University of California at San Diego, CA. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major: Harvard University, Chemistry
Advisor: Professor George M. Whitesides
Research Interests: Transparent, mechanically compliant electrodes
based on films of carbon nanotubes; organic photovoltaics
Outside the lab: You can usually find me cooking, running, hiking,
swimming, reading, or writing.
Dr Fung Ling Yap
Years in Group: 2010-2012
Currently: Staff Scientist, Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, Singapore. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: National University of Singapore, Bioengineering, 2008
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Yong Zhang
Project: DNA templated nanowires for single molecule electronics
Other Info:
Research Interest: Micro and nanofabrication via self assembly techniques
Professional Experience: (2008-present) Research Engineer, Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, Singapore
Dr Guihua Yu
Years in Group: 2009-2012
Currently: Faculty, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, TX. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: Harvard University, Chemistry, 2009
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Charles M. Lieber
Undergraduate Info: USTC, China, 2003
Project: Developing novel self-assembled single molecular electronics
Hobbies: tennis, basketball, hiking, traveling. Joint postdoc fellow with Prof. Zhenan Bao and Prof. Eric Shaqfeh
Dr Pamela Lundin
Years in group: 2010-2012
Currently: Faculty, Dept of Chemistry, Wake Forest University, NC. Link.
Ph.D. Institution & Major: MIT, Organic Chemistry
Advisor: Professor Greg Fu
Undergraduate Institution: UNC-Chapel Hill
Research Interests: New materials for artificial photosynthesis; mechanistic studies on regioregular polymerization
Other Info, e.g. hobbies etc: Hobbies include running, hiking, and reading
Dr Peng Wei
Years in group: 2008-2012
Currently: Vice President, Royole Corporation. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; Chemistry, 2007
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Yong Qiu
Undergraduate Info: Tsinghua University (Beijing, China), Chemistry, 2002
Project: n-type organic semiconductors and transistors
Dr Arjan Pieter Zoombelt
Years in group: 2009-2012
Currently: DuPont, Delaware.
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, 2009
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. R.A.J. Janssen
Undergraduate Info: University of Utrecht (Netherlands), 2005
Project: Design and synthesis of small organic semiconductors to tune molecular packing and enhance charge transport.
Dr Marc Ramuz
Years in Group: 2010-2012
Currently: Postdoc with Prof George Malliaras, Department of Bioelectronics (BEL), Centre Microélectronique de Provence of the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Saint-Étienne. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major and Year: IMT Neuchatel / CSEM Basel, Zurich, Switzerland
Advisor: Professor Peter Seitz
Research Interests: Sensors based on organic electronic devices, organic solar cells, organic photodiodes.
Dr Anatoliy N. Sokolov
Years in group: 2008-2012
Currently: Dow Chemicals, Michigan. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: University of Iowa, Chemistry, 2007
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Leonard R. MacGillivray
Project: Incorporation of specific analyte detection methods within organic semiconductor-based sensors. Development of stable, high-performance semiconductor materials as active layers for sensors. Stability, and performance of sensors within complex environments.
Dr Daniel Kaefer
Years in group: 2010-2012
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany); Physical Chemistry, 2008
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Ch. Wöll
Undergraduate Info: Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany), Physical Chemistry, B.S.: 2002, M.S.: 2005
Project: Chemical interface engineering for studies of charge carrier injection process in organic field-effect transistors
Dr Eric Verploegen
Years in group: 2008-2011
Currently: Senior Research Scientist at Soane Energy. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering, 2008
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Paula Hammond
Undergraduate Info: N/A
Project: Investigating the structure property relationship of organic thin film transistors and organic photovoltaic devices with X-ray scattering and near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS)
Other Info: Hobbies: basketball, frisbee, snowboarding, and live music
Dr Hanying Li
Years in group: 2010-2012
Currently: Faculty, Zhejiang University, China. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: Cornell University, NY. Materials Science & Engineering, 2009
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Lara Estroff
Undergraduate Info: Zhejiang University, China; Polymer Science & Engineering, B.E. 2002, M.E. 2005
Project: Single-crystals of organic semiconductors and organic electronic devices
Dr. Hylke B. Akkerman
Years in Group: 2009-2011
Currently: Scientist, Holst Centre, Edinhoven, The Netherlands. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: University of Groningen (Netherlands), Applied Physics, 2008.
Ph.D. Advisors: Prof. Paul Blom, Prof. Dago de Leeuw and Prof. Bert de Boer
Project: Organic Transistors and Single Molecule Electronics
Dr. Atsushi Tatami
Years in Group: 2008-2010
Currently: Kaneka Co, Japan. Link.
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Chemical Engineering, 2004
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Masahiro Hirama
Undergraduate Info: N/A
Project: Synthesis of Solution-Processed Organic Semiconductor and device fabrication
Hobbies: Guitar (electric and acoustic), billiards, Travel (Bike, Train), finding good restaurants and sweets
My favorites: Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Queen.
Professional experience: Posdoc, (2004-2006), RIKEN, Researcher (2006-present) Kaneka Co.
Dr. Hector A. Becerril
Years in Group: 2007-2009
Currently: Faculty, Chemistry, Brigham Young University - Idaho. Link.
Dr. Seong-Ho Choi
Years in Group: 2009-2010
Currently: Due to unfortunate circumstances, Dr Choi has passed away in Dec, 2010. Memories of Dr. Choi will always be with us. May he rest in peace.
Link to Stanford's Chem Eng Memorial Wall:
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: University of Minnesota, Chem Eng & Mat Sci., 2009.
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Daniel Frisbie
Undergraduate Info: N/A
Project: Organic Solar Cells and Single Molecule Electronics
Dr. Rajib Mondal
Years in Group: 2008-2010
Currently: Milliken and Co.
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: Bowling Green State University, Ohio, Chemistry, 2007
Ph.D. Advisor: Douglas C. Neckers
Project: Design and synthesis of low band gap materials for OTFT and organic solar cell
Dr. Melbs LeMieux
Years in Group: 2007-2010
Currently: Consultant, Exponent
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: Iowa State University, Materials Science and Engineering, 2006
Ph.D. Advisor: Vladimir Tsukruk (now at Georgia Tech)
Project: My research involves the design and assembly of carbon nanotube and nanotube hybrid films for organic transistors and solar cells.
Other Info: I enjoy skiing, surfing, walking my dog, and old vampire books
Dr. Chris Bettinger
Years in group: 2008-2010
Currently: Faculty, Biomedical Engineering. Carnegie Mellon University
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, 2008
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Robert Langer
Undergraduate Info: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, 2003
Project: I work on developing novel materials for organic thin film transistors
Other Info: I enjoy cycling, snowboarding, hiking, and watching the Boston Red Sox
Dr. Joon Hak Oh
Years in Group: 2006-2010
Currently: Faculty, School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea.
Ph.D. Institution, Major, Year: Seoul National University, School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, 2004
Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Jyongsik Jang
Dr. Abhijit Basu Mallik
Years in group: 2004-2005
Currently: Applied Materials Inc.
Dr. Ronit Buller
Years in group: 2004-2006
Currently: Attending Law School
Dr. Wei You
Years in group: 2004-2006
Currently: Faculty, Chemistry, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Link.
Dr. Mang Mang Ling
Years in group: 2004-2007
Currently: Applied Materials Inc.
Dr. Jason Locklin
Years in group: 2005-2007
Currently: Faculty, Chemistry & Engineering, Univ. of Georgia, Athens. Link.
Dr. Toshihiro Okamoto
Years in group: 2005-2008
Currently: Faculty, University of Tokyo, Japan. Link.
Dr. Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld
Years in group: 2005-2009
Currently: Faculty, Technical University of Dresden, Germany. Link.